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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

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PubMed Searches

This page includes dynamic links to literature searches in PubMed about specific instruments.

If you like the search and want to save it or see updates, log in to create a My NCBI account*. Once you are logged in, click "Create Alert" under the search box and follow the prompts. The search will then be saved to your account, and you will have the option to receive e-mail updates.

*NLM is changing the way you need to log into NCBI in 2021.  Information and updates can be found in NCBI Insights.

These are not comprehensive searches. These are targeted searches intended to return the most relevant literature on the instrument.The topics below include cognition, mental health, pain, physical function, and quality of life.

To Get the Most Out of PubMed
  • Create a NCBI Login
  • In the results page, sort by "Most Recent" or "Best Match"
  • If you are at Johns Hopkins, use FindIt to locate the PDFs 

The links are viewable only in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Some of these tools can be found on Improve LTO.