DMPTool is a free software that can help you create data management plans for specific funding agencies. Johns Hopkins is a member institution.
The Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Center provides consulting on biostatistical issues related to the effective collection and interpretation of health information.
The Biostatistics Center for Clinical and Translational Research provides consultations to faculty on biostatistics issues related to the effective collection and interpretation of health information.
SAFE, the Secure Analytic Framework Environment (formerly called the Secure Data Desktop/SDD) is a virtual desktop that provides Johns Hopkins Medicine investigators (whether engaged in research or other data-intensive activities) with a secure environment to analyze and share sensitive data with colleagues.
SAFE is installed with productivity software such as Microsoft Word and Excel, as well as statistical software, including NVIVO, SAS, Stata, R, R Studio, and Python. Other software applications can be installed for investigators willing to cover the licensing fees.
Anyone with a JHED ID can request a SAFE Desktop. To request a SAFE for your study team, please go to the ICTR SAFE Desktop page.
Some of these tools are available through the Johns Hopkins IT Software Catalog.