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Books in the JH Catalog

link to conceptual understanding ebook

Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Secondary

Teachers will learn strategies for introducing students to conceptual learning Instructional strategies to help students uncover and transfer concepts, how to write concept-based lessons, how to assess for conceptual understanding, how to differentiate in a concept-based classroom, and how CBCI aligns with other current best practices and initiatives

link to teaching for deeper learning ebook

Teaching for Deeper Learning

Jay McTighe and Harvey Silver offer a practical guide to teaching seven essential thinking skills that will equip students for success in school and beyond.

link to everyday probem-based learning ebook record

Everyday Problem-Based Learning

Brian Pete and Robin Fogarty present ways to use problem-based learning as a daily approach to helping students learn authentic and relevant skills.

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A Conceptual Framework for Personalised Learning

Philipp Melzer analyses influence factors of personalised learning aiming to lay out design principles for personalised blended learning courses. Finding only weak support for a matching between learning styles and teaching methods, he defines learning tasks as the object of further investigations. Following the idea of a community of inquiry, the author develops the Personalised Learning Framework (PLF), modelling personalised learning as a process of selection as well as usage of learning tasks and learning tools by the community of inquiry.

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Learning to Collaborate, Collaborating to Learn

The book covers the use of information and communication technology tools by collaborative partners who may or may not be co-located. As such, the book will be appropriate for all-online, blended learning, or conventional classrooms that infuse technology with "flipped" instructional techniques.

Science Teaching Essentials

Science Teaching Essentials: Short Guides to Good Practice serves as a reference manual for science faculty as they set up a new course, consider how to teach the course, figure out how to assess their students fairly and efficiently, and review and revise course materials.

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Foundations of Evidence-Based Medicine

This comprehensive text focuses on reasoning, critical thinking and pragmatic decision making in medicine. Based on the author's extensive experience and filled with definitions, formulae, flowcharts and checklists, this fully revised second edition continues to provide invaluable guidance to the crucial role that clinical epidemiology plays in the expanding field of evidence-based medicine.