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DNP Nursing Inquiry Search

Step by step guide to the Nursing Inquiry Assignments


In this step, you will use the PICO you have developed for your research question to identify the concepts you will use when searching PubMed and Embase.  

What makes a concept "searchable" has to do with how and where it is represented in database records for articles. For example, is it the sort of concept that appears in the abstract or the title? Does everybody use the same term to describe this concept?

For more practice, look at the DNP Search Statement Examples exercise below.

Translate PICO(DTS) Elements into Search Concepts

Use the following example to guide you in developing search concepts from your PICO(DTS).

Research Question:

The purpose of this scholarly pilot project was to develop a nurse-driven sepsis screening protocol to improve early sepsis recognition and intervention with urgent transfer to critical care when severe sepsis and/or septic shock are identified. Based on outcomes, the ED, critical care, and quality department identified opportunities for improved recognition and treatment of septic patients.

PICO(DTS) Elements
Search Concepts
Population/patient/problem Septic patients Concept 1 Sepsis
Intervention Screening Concept 2 Screening
Comparison Not screening

No concept is needed here.

Outcome Improved recognition and treatment of septic patients

A concept for improvement is not listed here, since it is a key aim. In other words, the concept of recognition and treatment is already embedded in the screening concept. Including it in may result in missed relevant studies.

Design Nurse-driven Concept 3 Nurses, nursing
Time Not applicable No concept is needed here.
Setting Not applicable No concept is needed here.

This translation process identifies three search concepts from the PICO(DTS) elements: Sepsis, Screening, Nurses