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DNP Nursing Inquiry Search

Step by step guide to the Nursing Inquiry Assignments

Before you Export

Before you export, it is important to take a few things into consideration.

  1. Verify your searches before running them one last time. Make sure there are no errors or spelling mistakes 
  2. Have a folder ready to organize the files you are about to download. 
  3. Set a naming convention for the files so you can understand what each file is.

Consider creating a folder named (Concept 1 and Concept 2), i.e. Sepsis and Screening

Export results from each Database

Export from PubMed into RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley:

  1. Run your search in PubMed. Document the number of results in your Word document
  2. Choose "Send To" on the top of the page
  3. Choose "Citation Manager" from the drop down list
  4. Change the selection to "All Results", NOT "All Results on this Page"
  5. Click "Create File"
  6. Go to your downloads folder, rename the file to (Concept 1 and Concept 2)(Database)(Number of Results)(Date of Search)
    1. For example: Sepsis and Screening PubMed 157 8.1.2024
    2. Move the file to the folder you created for this project

Export from PubMed directly into Covidence:

  1. Run your search in PubMed. Document the number of results in your Word document
  2. Choose "Save" on the top of the page
  3. Change the selection to "All Results", NOT "All Results on this Page"
  4. Change the selection from "Summary (text)" to "PubMed"
  5. Click "Create File"
  6. Go to your downloads folder, rename the file to (Concept 1 and Concept 2)(Database)(Number of Results)(Date of Search)
    1. For example: Sepsis and Screening PubMed for Covidence 157 8.1.2024
    2. Move the file to the folder you created for this project

Export results from Embase to RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, and Covidence

  1. Run your search in Embase. Document the number of results in your Word document
  2. In the lower grey box labeled "Results", select the number of results in the drop down menu
  3. In the lower grey box labeled "Results", click "Export"
  4. Click "Export" from the pop up window - you do not need to change the format
  5. In the new window that will open, Click "Download"
  6. Go to your downloads folder, rename the file to (Concept 1 and Concept 2)(Database)(Number of Results)(Date of Search)
    1. For example: Sepsis and Screening Embase 359 8.1.2024
    2. Move the file to the folder you created for this project
Export results from CINAHL option 1 - if you have a Mac or don't know how to use a zip file
  1. Run your search in CINAHL. Document the number of results in your Word document
  2. On the top right of the results, click "Share"
  3. Under "Add to Folder", choose "Results 1-50"
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and go to page 2
  5. Under "Add to Folder", choose "Results 51-100"
  6. Continue until all results are in the folder.
  7. On the far right column, click "Folder View"
  8. Use the checkbox on the top to "Select all"
  9. On the far right column, click "Export"
  10. Choose either "Direct Export to RefWorks" (if you are using RefWorks) or "Direct Export to RIS Format" if you are using EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, or Covidence
  11. Go to your downloads folder, rename the file to (Concept 1 and Concept 2)(Database)(Number of Results)(Date of Search)
    1. For example: Sepsis and Screening CINAHL 125 8.1.2024
Export results from CINAHL option 2 - if you are able to use zip files
  1. Run your search in CINAHL. Document the number of results in your Word document
  2. On the top right of the results, click "Share"
  3. Under "Export Results", click "E-mail a link to download exported results"
  4. Add your email 
  5. Change the selection to "RIS Format" 
  6. Open the email from "EBSCOhost Record Export" and follow the link
    1. This should automatically download a file
  7. Go to your downloads folder, rename the file to (Concept 1 and Concept 2)(Database)(Number of Results)(Date of Search)
    1. For example: Sepsis and Screening CINAHL 125 8.1.2024
    2. Move the file to the folder you created for this project