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DNP Nursing Inquiry Search

Step by step guide to the Nursing Inquiry Assignments

Role of the Informationist in your assignment

A growing body of evidence demonstrates that including an information professional on the research team improves the quality and reporting of search strategies (Rethlefsen et al., 2015McGowan and Sampson, 2005Mokkink et al., 2009). The inclusion of a trained information professional on the team has become part of established standards for high quality systematic reviews (IOMCochraneAHRQ).

Welch Medical Library informationists have extensive training, skills, and experience in the sophisticated searching required for formal systematic reviews and for the creation of other comprehensive compilations of medical, basic science, and public health evidence.

While we cannot do your assignment for you, we are happy to help guide you for this assignment.

Before you meet with us

Your meeting with Emily, Stella, or any other Welch Informationist will be more efficient when you have the following information readily available:

  • Your research or PICO question. If you are still refining your topic, try to narrow it as best you can before the meeting.

  • What you think are your question’s searchable concepts

  • Information on any searching you may have done previously, such as:

    • Databases searched (PubMed, Google, etc.)

    • Words/terms used in those searches

  • Any articles you may have on the topic that you found useful

If you are self-scheduling a Zoom meeting, please attach your Search Strategy Template in whatever state you have it.

Please come to the meeting on time and on a desktop or laptop computer. Be prepared to share your screen and able to unmute and talk. If you are not able to share your screen or unmute, we reserve the right to cancel your meeting.

Need more help?

The team of Welch Medical Library informationists listed below will be providing assistance with your search strategies. Please reach out via email if you have questions throughout the process; please only message one informationist at a time and keep in mind we may not respond outside of our normal business hours. If you are interested in scheduling a meeting, please make sure to download this form, fill out as much as possible, and attach to the meeting request before scheduling

You can meet with an informationist either in person or via Zoom. If you prefer to schedule an in-person meeting, email Emily Joseph ( or Stella Seal ( You can self-schedule a Zoom meeting with either Emily or Stella. We ask that you only schedule one session. To schedule an appointment: