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DNP Nursing Inquiry Search

Step by step guide to the Nursing Inquiry Assignments

Importing into a Citation Manager

Create a New Project or New Library in your citation manager. 

Each citation manager is slightly different, but the general steps remain the same:

  1. "Import" or "Add to" each file to the citation manager
  2. Create a folder or group for each database
  3. Create a new folder, group, or project with all results combined
  4. Export all results into an RIS file
    1. Consider naming the file (Concept 1 and Concept 2)(Export for Covidence)
      1. For Example: Sepsis and Screening Export for Covidence


Covidence is a useful screening tool to help walk through the steps of screening and data extraction. It is not a citation manager and serves a different purpose in the process of an integrative review. 

Sign up for a Covidence account here:

Start using Covidence by

  1. Click "Start a New Review"
  2. Name your review
    1. Consider continue using the naming convention of (Concept 1 and Concept 2)
  3. Choose your review type and area of research
  4. Under "Which account do you want to use?", choose "JHU Welch Medical Library" to use the library's subscription plan.
  5. Click "Create Review"
  1. On your new project, click "Import" on the right
  2. Under "Import in to", choose "Screen"
  3. Click "Browse" and find your RIS file from your citation manager with all results
  4. Click "Import"

Allow Covidence a few minutes to review your import and deduplicate your results. It is best practice to review the deduplicated results by clicking the "total duplicates removed" link in the Import section. 

Under "Title and Abstract Screening", click "Continue".

If you choose, add inclusion and exclusion criteria under "Criteria" from the top ribbon of tools.

For help with Covidence, please refer to their Knowledge Base

Once you have finished Title and Abstract Screening and Full Text Screening, you should be able to generate a PRISMA document.

In the top right, there is a button labeled "PRISMA". This document does not completely line up with the PRISMA documentation needed for your assignment, but should be able to inform the numbers needed for your assignment. If you have questions regarding transferring from Covidence's PRISMA document to the Integrative Review document, reach out to your advisor or informationist.